ARC Media
ARC Overview. This brief, 13-minute video provides a concise overview of the ARC framework and the core ARC targets. This video was developed by Sonia Bajaj and is shared with her permission.
ARC caregiver videos. This series of 3 modular videos was developed to support caregivers (parents, resource caregivers, direct care providers) in understanding and developing skills related to the three core Attachment targets. The full series is available here for a low fee.
ARC modular videos. This series of 8 modular videos provides an overview / review of the ARC framework. The full series is available here for a low fee.
Caregiving Through a Trauma Lens. This 90-minute webinar, available through MN Adopt, is designed to help primary caregivers (and those who support them) better understand and respond to child and adolescent trauma responses and resulting behaviors, as well as to manage the caregiver’s own understandable reactions. The video is available for download as well as streaming.
Full foundational ARC training now available as an online course, offered through PESI. This online offering is a good option for previously trained programs interested in training new staff; for individuals who are unable to make it to live workshops; and for those looking to refresh or update their knowledge. This online training is not a replacement for the tailored training, consultation, and strategic support process that we strongly encourage agencies interested in implementation to enter into.
The course can be accessed here .
Attachment Theory in Action podcast. Margaret Blaustein speaks with host Karen Buckwalter in a two-part podcast, describing key elements of the ARC framework. This podcast is part of the weekly Attachment Theory in Action podcast presented by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock, and hosted by Karen Buckwalter, MSW, LCSW. Attachment Theory in Action is a weekly podcast featuring national experts from the field of attachment and trauma. Part 1 can be accessed here , and Part 2 can be accessed here . Access the home page for the Attachment Theory in Action podcast here.
Kristine Kinniburgh’s presentation on the ARC framework
Kristine Kinniburgh describes how she developed the Attachment, Regulation & Competency (ARC) approach to treating complex trauma in children & adolescents. This is a segment from the 2-day seminar she presented on this subject to mental health professionals. December 2012. To access and register for full online training through J&K Seminars, click here (CEUs available).
Dr. Margaret Blaustein’s interview for Boston Evening Therapy Associates
Margaret Blaustein is interviewed by Katie Novick, LICSW of Boston Evening Therapy Associates of Brookline, Massachusetts, about trauma with children and families and therapist use of therapy in the ARC therapy treatment. August 2011.
Dr. Margaret Blaustein’s radio interview for Head Start Trauma Smart program
Listen to the interview, Learning To Be a Safe Harbor for Kids, with Dr. Margaret Blaustein on the ARC Framework and adaptations for school systems.
Cavalcade Production’s Video Series on Traumatized Children
This video series features presenters, such as Margaret Blaustein, who are experts in the field, as well as the testimonies of teachers, foster and adoptive parents, and former foster youth. Several topics are explored in detail:
- Understanding the Traumatized Child: Former foster children, parents, teachers, and therapists discuss the variety of ways in which children may be traumatized, and describe the impact of trauma on the way children view themselves and others.
- Parenting the Traumatized Child: Therapists and foster and adoptive parents, along with former foster children, examine the particular challenges in caring for severely traumatized children.
- Teaching the Traumatized Child: This program combines guidance from therapists with the real-world insights of classroom teachers and former foster children.
Cavalcade Production’s Video Series on Attachment Disorder: Children with Disrupted Attachment
This video series features presenters such as Dr. Margaret Blaustein and Dr. Richard Kagan, as well as foster and adoptive parents. The following topics are highlighted in this presentation:
- Understanding Children with Disrupted Attachment: This introductory video explains the internal effects of attachment disorder, and the behaviors that children lacking a “secure base” may display. Intended for parents, residential care workers, and therapists.
- Parenting Children with Disrupted Attachment: This video examines issues encountered by parents, including foster parents, adoptive parents, or family members who are caring for a child with attachment disorder.
- Caring for Children with Disrupted Attachment: This video discusses issues affecting residential staff, including child care workers, camp counselors, and group home supervisors.
- Treating Children with Disrupted Attachment: This video discusses therapeutic issues, and is intended for counselors, social workers, and therapists.
In this webinar Kristine Kinniburgh of the Trauma Center at JRI discusses ARC (Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency) a flexible intervention for children with complex trauma. She describes how the intervention can address a continuum of exposures, including ongoing exposure. She describes how it is embedded in a social/contextual framework and sensitive to individual developmental competencies and deficits. She also describes how the intervention addresses individual, familial, and systemic needs and strengths. Note: You must register with the NCTSN Learning Center to access.